Tex Mex for Brex

Updated: May 7, 2020

This power-house of a breakfast is a must alternative to the traditional fry up!

Aside from tasting amazing it is one of the healthiest breakfasts you could feed yourself.

From black beans, eggs, avocado mixed with lime to mushrooms and tomatoes.

It is literally packed with everything you need to start your day.

The black beans keep blood sugar levels stable, they provide high levels of antioxidants and a high source of fibre.

The lime infused avocado provides vitamin E, which helps prevent cholesterol oxidation.

The tomatoes and chilli provide antioxidant rich vitamin C and the mushrooms offer a boost of zinc and niacin.

This is before you even look at the protein rich eggs that provide Vitamin D, Vitamins B2, B16 and B12 as well as plenty of minerals!


1 tin 400gm Black beans

2 eggs

1 tbsp chilli flakes

6 mushrooms sliced

8 cherry tomatoes

1 avocado – mashed up

1 Lime

pinch of salt

Knob of butter

Garlic clove – optional


Heat half the butter in a large frying pan.

Add the black beans, pinch of salt (and garlic if desired).

Once heated through, remove from the pan and keep them covered.

Rinse the pan, return to heat and add the remaining butter.

Add the eggs and the mushrooms to the pan.

In a bowl crush the avocado, add a pinch of salt, chilli flakes and lime juice.

Mix together.

Chop the tomatoes.

When the eggs and mushrooms are cooked, plate up the black beans, mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes and avocado.

Sprinkle with chilli flakes and serve.

If you would like to quit sugar for good and regain control of your food choices, you can transform your life with my 21 Day Sugar Detox Program.