Sugar Free Feb

Cancer Research UK are running their fabulous campaign again this year to get people to go sugar free for the month of February.

If you ever needed motivation to kick the sugar habit, then this could be just the thing.

It's a win, win - you get to rid yourself of excessive sugar as well as raising money for important research.

Why not give it a go, there's plenty of information about quitting sugar on their website and of course you can use the tips and recipes on this site to help you through the process.

By giving up sugar for the whole of February (and don't forget, it's the shortest month of the year at only 28 days!) I promise you'll feel fantastic at the end of it, with more energy, clearer skin and a whole host of other benefits.

I have written a blog here outlining 17 Amazing things that happen when you stop eating sugar.

And in case you are worried about and sugar withdrawal symptoms, I have another must read blog post here.

The chances are, that come March 1st, you'll want to keep on with your sugar free lifestyle because you'll feel so good!

Go to the Cancer Research UK site here where you can find all about the campaign along with the signup form where you can register.

And if you feel like quitting sugar for good you can join my 21 Day Sugar Detox here.