I only ever really thought about Black beans as a side to go with a burrito bowl or on a burrito but these guys are so versatile, full of flavour and so textured that they are easily deserving of being a main meal.
A simple Black bean stew made with the most basic ingredients like garlic, onion chilli, stock, coriander and you suddenly have a bowl of savoury perfection.
Throw in a dollop of guac, sour cream and a wholemeal wrap or pitta and you have a feast!
They’re a staple in Latin American, Cajun and Creole cuisine and they come bursting with health benefits that make them the perfect addition to any diet.
They’re a great source of protein, fibre, antioxidants and micronutrients.
This recipe is cooked in minutes and makes for a big tasting dish that completely satisfies and being low GI, it helps to stabilise blood sugars that lead to sugar cravings!

1 400g Can of Black Beans, drained
1 chilli chopped
3x garlic cloves minced
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
1 pint chicken/veg stock
Pinch of salt
Knob of butter

Heat the butter to the frying pan and add the onions.
Saute for 3-5 minutes until they’re lightly browned.
Add the garlic, chilli, parsley and coriander and cook for more minutes.
Add the drained black beans.
Cook for a couple more minutes until the beans start to gently stick to the pan, then add the stock.
Put a lid on the pan and let it simmer away stirring occasionally to ensure the they don’t burn.
When the liquid has reduced and the beans start to get starchy and mushy, take them off the heat and serve with a dollop of guacamole (see the recipe), sour cream and a wholemeal wrap or pitta.

If you would like to cut sugar out of your daily diet why not try my 21 Day Sugar Detox Program.