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Chilli Crab Courgetti

Updated: May 6, 2020

chilli crab courgetti

This is such a fresh tasting dish and it literally takes minutes to cook.

It is low on carbs, making a perfect dish for low-carb diets too.

Crab meat has many health benefits, as the Omega 3 fatty acids, copper and selenium can reduce inflammation and selenium has been directly linked to stimulating immune system.

Eating a sugar heavy diet causes inflammation in the body and also reduced the immune system by up to 50% and for up to 5 hours after eating.

You can read about more of the health benefits of cutting sugar out of your diet in my blog post here 17 Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar.

So why not give this meal a go - as well as being good for you, the tangy, fragrant and spicy flavours compliment the meatiness of the crab perfectly and the courgetti makes for a simple substitute for pasta too.


4 courgettes

1 fennel bulb

1 garlic clove

1 chilli


pinch of salt


A pot of white crab meat

small bunch of coriander

glug of olive oil


Spiralise the courgette, to make courgetti and add to a heat proof bowl, cover with boiling water.

Season with salt and leave for a couple of minutes until the courgetti is al dente.

Heat the oil in the frying pan, then add the finely sliced the fennel, chilli and crushed garlic.

Add the crab and cook through thoroughly then adde the juice from the lime, pinch of salt and chopped coriander.

Drain the courgetti, place on the plate and add the crab mixture and serve.

Garnish with sliced chilli, coriander and lime.

If you would like to quit sugar and regain control of your food choices you can transform your life with my 21 Day Sugar Detox Program.

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